Local Lounge
Covid 19 | Social changes and legal implications
- Date: 17.06.2021
- Time: 5:45 p.m. until approximately 10:30 p.m.
Hotel Imperial (Fürstensalon) Kärntner Ring 16, A-1015 Vienna
- Moderation: Gerald Schachner, Head of Lounge Vienna
- Corona pandemic | Interim assessment and outlook for Austria
- Dr. Nicolas Popper
- Coordinator TU Vienna, COCOS - "Centre for Computational Complex Systems", TU Vienna
- Covid 19 | Legal implications
- Univ.-Professor Dr. Nicolaus Forgó
- Director of the Institute for Innovation and Digitalisation, University of Vienna
- Covid 19 | Opportunities and challenges for the world of work
- Univ.-Professor Dr. Christian Korunka
- Professor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, University of Vienna